SELECT id, area,langKey,IF(LENGTH(en) > 0,en,si) as language FROM `www-izoelektro-com-2018`.`_TranslationTabel` ORDER BY id,area ----> Too many connectionsINSERT INTO `www-izoelektro-com-2018`.`logs` (`datetime`, `page`, `ip`, `user_id`, `lang`) VALUES (NOW(),'category/139/3.14-NKI-rod-rod','','0','en') ----> Too many connectionsSELECT id_sub, idLab, description, konfigurator FROM `_treeMenu` WHERE `id` =139 ----> Too many connectionsSELECT * FROM `_treeMenu` WHERE (id_sub=0 OR id_sub=139) AND leaf=1 AND visible=1 ORDER BY id_sub ASC, orderBy ASC ----> Too many connectionsSELECT item_id FROM `www-izoelektro-com-2018`.`favorites` WHERE session_id='6nr5372deg2h8nbsmo932amqi5' ----> Too many connections Izoelektro - SELECT t1.idLab as cat1_name, as cat1_id, t2.idLab as cat2_name, as cat2_id, t3.idLab as cat3_name, as cat3_id FROM _treeMenu t1 LEFT JOIN _treeMenu t2 ON t1.id_sub = LEFT JOIN _treeMenu t3 ON t2.id_sub = WHERE 1 ORDER BY t3.orderBy ASC, t2.orderBy ASC, t1.orderBy ASC ----> Too many connections
INSERT IGNORE INTO `www-izoelektro-com-2018`.`_TranslationTabel` SET area = 'HEADER', langKey = 'loading', si = 'Loading...', filterArea = 6 ----> Too many connectionsLoading...
  • INSERT IGNORE INTO `www-izoelektro-com-2018`.`_TranslationTabel` SET area = 'FAVORITES', langKey = 'send-inquiry', si = 'SEND INQUIRY FOR SELECTED PRODUCTS', filterArea = 6 ----> Too many connectionsSEND INQUIRY FOR SELECTED PRODUCTS

    INSERT IGNORE INTO `www-izoelektro-com-2018`.`_TranslationTabel` SET area = 'CATEGORY', langKey = 'categories', si = 'CATEGORIES', filterArea = 6 ----> Too many connectionsCATEGORIES

    SELECT tm.id_sub, ii.itemId, ii.fileLocation FROM _treeMenu tm LEFT JOIN _itemImages ii ON = ii.itemId WHERE tm.id_sub IN ( ) AND ii.itemId IS NOT NULL GROUP BY tm.id_sub ----> Too many connectionsSELECT id, image_location FROM `_treeMenu` WHERE id IN ( ) ----> Too many connections
    SELECT * FROM Kategorije_Statika WHERE id_sup IN( 22,23 ) OR id IN ( 21, 24 ) ----> Too many connections